Wednesday 8 November 2017

Tote be — or not tote be

Tote be — or not tote be

When William Shakespeare wrote “To Be or Not To Be”, I am sure he was not thinking about Tote Bags.
But what do you see being used at grocery stores to carry items back, the last moment stashing of stuff, making a style statement across your shoulder, or the latest I saw was goodie bag as a return gift in a wedding function I attended? A Tote Bag.
Wedding Gift Tote bags
It was a matter of time before the tote bag became a necessity. The tote bag or the tote as is commonly called comes in range of designs from the simple easy to use multi-use canvas tote bags to luxurious Louis Vuitton varieties. One can find a tote bag to suit any occasion, time & event.
The term tote or tate, meaning “to carry”, can be traced back to the 17th century but was not used to describe bags until 1900. It is quite possible that the word toting was used to indicate transporting items in some kind of a bag. And this ‘toting’ in bags which I am sure would not have looked at all like the kind of tote bags we have in vogue today laid the foundation of tote bags entering into our lives
As for most of the things, the United States is cited as the official birthplace of tote bag. Iconic Maine-based outdoor brand L.L.Bean debuted their “ice bag” in 1944. Still recognizable today, the large, boxy bag was cut from heavy canvas. It was created, as the name suggests, to transport ice from the car to the freezer. The bag was a hit. Anything that makes life simpler for people to drink and make merry — has to be a hit.
Nowadays, tote bags have been sold as a more eco-friendly replacement for disposable plastic bags given how they can be reused multiples times over. However, a study by the UK Environment Agency found that cotton canvas bags have to be reused at least 327 times before they can match the carbon expenditure of a single disposable plastic bag. Meanwhile, tote bags made from recycled polypropylene plastic require 26 reuses to match.
Making a statement in Style
Canvas Tote Bags
Nothing becomes a fashion till the ladies adapt it. In the 1950s for some reason, the tote bag became a super hit with ladies who used them, that time, not for a style statement but for running errands for their homes.
In the 1960’s, tote bags really began to take off and not simply because of functionality. The tote began crossing over into fashion as well. L.L. Bean upgraded the design of their original ice bag.
It was only them a new sense of awareness crept in the society and apart from many other fashion accessories, the tote bags also started becoming popular as an accessory to go with the personality of the person carrying it.
It was during this decade that American designer Bonnie Cashin helped to bring the tote to another level. Then the trend started to make it more fashionable.
Now a tote can be found in almost every color, adorned with a variety of images: animals; iconic city scenes; and also popular figures.
The other uses

 The tote continued to be used throughout the 1970’s and into the 80’s. With popularity grew the uses for totes. One such use was advertising. The advertisers felt that this was something that people keep at their homes, safely, to use whenever it is needed. What could carry a brand statement better than this if a household was to be targeted.
Canvas bags were cheap to produce, and it was easy to print a logo on the front and sell them as merchandise. In 1980, the famed bookstore The Strand released its iconic tote bag. The bookshop purchased black canvas duck bags in bulk, printing graphics that bore the store name, address, contact info, and it’s tag line “18 miles of books.” This bag can be seen on the arms of New Yorkers all over the city even today.
What really got me interested were the Wine Bottle Tote Carriers from Old Man Artist. The Old Man Artist, Harry Traulsen Jr., creates unique hand-drawn artistic Greeting Cards, Stationery, Invitations, Thank You Cards and Canvas Tote Bags.
 His themes are whimsical caricatures of Wine Glasses, Wine Bottles, Coffee Mugs and Urban Architecture.
The Old Man Artist’s stylish canvas tote bags make a unique sophisticated statement. Particularly for wine lovers who would like to carry a bottle of wine for themselves or particularly as a gift for their friends or families, the wine bottle tote carrier is a perfect accessory for the wine bottle. Old Man Artist gives a lot of emphasis on the quality of the canvas tote. And that’s why he is famous!
In fact when he launched his site, his satisfied patrons from press got so excited that they decided to cover this news on various sites.
So whenever you go next into a wine store, just take a look around, it is quite possible that you will find a canvas tote bag to carry your wine bottle in style. Why miss it, when you are sure people will love it.

No whining, only WINING — Tips to select Wine and how to get out of gifting a bad one

Can you think of a better gift than a wine bottle to gift to your host — specially when the host enjoys wine. But is the selection overwhelming? Let me take you through to some pointers on selecting the right bottle & presenting it the right way.

WIne Bottle tote Carrier

Tips for Selecting Wine
Know your host. Do you know if she prefers sweet wines? Then you may like to consider a sweet German Riesling or a dessert wine.
Dry wines anyone? Consider a California Chardonnay for a white or an Australian Shiraz for a red.
Are you aware that your host spent some time recently in Italy? Then get her an Italian wine. And if she’s into beers, get her a local brew!
Ask the Subject Matter Experts
Go to a wine shop. We normally feel scared to ask the wine shop owner for his recommendation. We fear either he would try to push his non-moving stock to us. Or we are just naturally embarrassed for no reason at all. But it is better to ask than to err. Even if you don’t know first thing about wine — just ask the professionals, yes I mean the wine shop owner. Trust me, it will take the pain out of the entire process. If you are that methodical I can also ask you to keep pictures of the labels of the wine you have enjoyed in the past on your phone. Take your phone out, a swish here — a swoosh here and voila you land onto the exact wine label you are looking for.
Not all good things in life are costly
And that holds true for a bottle of wine also. Comforted! If you find a bottle of wine that is recommended and you feel is perfect but costs $9.99, don’t think too much. It’s all about the quality and your thoughtful intent, not the price.
Not all information is freely available
If you are not aware of your host’s wine preferences and you have no idea what you can get for her — buy a moderately priced pinot noir. It is a very safe choice — a red that is tasty and subtle but not too full of tannins (tannins make your mouth water).
Well Presented is Well Done
You have done all the hard work. You kept the preferences of the host foremost. You got her the best wine bottle for her taste & preferences. You took so much time in doing everything right but you forgot to present it well. That is so much effort & time down the drain.
Don’t expect your host to serve your wine that night; he or she may have selected specific wines to pair with the appetizers, meal, and dessert. Do put attach a small greeting card, as your host may receive a few bottles. Consider sharing why you bought that specific bottle of wine on the card: “I know you love Gewürztraminer. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy your company. Happy Holidays from Harry.”

Wine and Glass Card

And yes, do not forget to slip the wonderful bottle of wine in equally wonderful Wine Bottle Tote Carriers from Old Man Artist. The Old Man Artist, Harry Traulsen Jr., creates unique hand-drawn artistic Greeting Cards, Stationery, Invitations, Thank You Cards and Canvas Tote Bags.
 His themes are whimsical caricatures of Wine Glasses, Wine Bottles, Coffee Mugs and Urban Architecture.
The Old Man Artist’s stylish canvas tote bags make a unique sophisticate statement. Particularly for wine lovers who would like to carry a bottle of wine as a gift for their friends or families, the wine bottle tote carrier is a perfect accessory for the wine bottle. Old Man Artist gives a lot of emphasis on the quality of the canvas tote. And that’s why he is famous!
In fact when he launched his site, his satisfied patrons from press got so excited that they decided to cover this news on various sites.
So whenever you go next into a wine store, just take a look around, it is quite possible that you will find a canvas tote bag to carry your wine bottle in style. Why miss it, when you are sure people will love it.
Don’t forget to take the price tag off! There is no shame in giving an inexpensive bottle of wine, but you don’t need to blow your trumpet here.
When you get it wrong
It could so happen that you are the host. And despite your guest giving a best thought to their gift — have gifted you that terrible, horrifying, name-brand wine that you avoid at all costs during your weekly wine- buying run. In fact, it’s pretty awful for your standards that you can’t even think of re-gifting it to someone else. So what are you going to do with this bottle? Here are few ways to salvage that gag-worthy gift into a more enjoyable situation:
Yes, do a get together — tell them you care. When you are having a great time together, the alcohol won’t matter much I am telling you.
Remember when you were young — what would matter to you was the cheapest bottle to drink. They were not used to the fine stuff till that time. Nothing tastes better than free. Why not get them obliged.
You know how they go. Everybody needs that “last bottle of the night”. The only requirement — it should have alcohol in it. Be the savior — donate the bottle.
There is a no dearth of cocktails that require wine as an ingredient, ranging from the classic French 75 all the way to frosé. Mix your undrinkable bottle onto your bar cart for a night of experimental cocktail crafting — who knows what ambrosia could possibly come out from your almost discarded bottle?
Re-gift! That’s how you got it in the first place. Time to get wicked & even!

Thursday 9 March 2017

Home Loan Application Denied! Reasons Lenders Will Not Tell

You are given a home loan when your own eligibility (mainly financial reasons) along with your property eligibility matches with the policy of the lender. We are going to talk about reasons why your eligibility to get a home loan is questioned by the lenders & they may reject your application.

1. Processing Fee cheque getting bounced - Whatever be the reason, Bankers are really sensitive about the Processing Fee cheque and its considered very sacrosanct. Ensure your account has enough funds for it to be cleared.

2. Financial Eligibility - As a thumb rule, it can be assumed that a salaried person can have 50% of his net salary & a self-employed person can have 75-80% of his monthly income, paid as EMIs for any loans. If you are already paying substantial EMIs, more than what your finances can afford, your application may be rejected.

3. Guarantor to someone else's loan - OK so you became a guarantor to someone's loan. In the eyes of the lender, it is as good as you taking a loan. So be cautious while doing this.

4. Age of the property - Yes, the lenders do believe in age of the property. They won't fund a property they believe would not stand for 35-40 years. Strange!! This is how it happens.
5. Your contribution - Lender requires minimum 25% of total value of property to come from your side. Any lesser and he starts getting jittery.

6. Too many co-owners - To counter the point above, you may want to add more co-owners so that your eligibility goes up but the lender doesn't like to have too many co-owners as well.

7. Co-owned property with not so-close a relative - EG. A property co-owned with a friend. Lender says, thank you Sir - we will not be able to fund it. Co-owned with unmarried daughter, cousins, colleagues - lender is likely to reject the application.

8. Change in the career - Bankers are conservative and it is good for the economy. They don't like risk-takers like a person who is in-between changing jobs or someone who has left the job to start on his own - they would rather wait on the sides so that you get stable before they fund you.

9. Education Qualification & Work Experience - They may not say it specifically but deep down in some page of the policy there are restrictions given your education status. An under-graduate is less likely to be job stable and that poses a potential risk for the lender. Similarly, if you are hopping jobs too soon or are very new on the job, your chances of getting a home loan may decline.

10. Your employer may not be worth his salt - You are working for some firm which is not known in the market. The lender may ask you to get the financials of that firm.

Trust this was useful to you. If you have any query you can ask at
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Are You Young Here's How to Invest

I will not waste this space telling how important is young generation for India. Everybody knows! I will talk about changes in lifestyle, way young India works, & and how they should treat their finances. Life style expenses have gone up & their share as a percentage of spend also has gone up.

Please continue spending in excess. You will not grow old, you will not retire, you will get salary increments of 20% year on year, you will not have a family, you will never be spending on medical bills, house & car will come automatically. If you feel so, please stop reading the article. The lesser mortals, please continue.

Remember you studied for the exams or for that interview - does your life deserve any less preparation. Take simple steps below.If you feel you need to ask anything from our expert, post a question at BankerBhai.

1.     Calculate your NET WORTH. Net Worth is difference of "What You OWN" and "What you OWE". Sum all the things that belong to you - house, car, savings, gold, anything. Subtract from it, whatever you have to pay - home loan, car loan, anything else. What remains is your Net Worth. That's where you start.

2.      Assess your income & spending per month - You should know how much you are spending and how much is available to you. That's the start for moving ahead. Do anything to capture this - but do it for a month.

3.     List down your goals - Higher education, Car, Home, Kids' marriage - anything. List it down. Short Term, Medium term, Long Term. Take help from Investment professionals on how to achieve them. Remember your result in point 2 - a lot depends on that figure.

4.     Yes, you maybe going for a motorcycle expedition this year but are you conservative or aggressive investor when it comes to deal with your money. Basis this, you will have to readjust your figures you found out in points 2 & 3.

5.     Run for Cover - You ought to have necessary Life Insurance & Health Insurance covers. Statistically, these 2 things contribute the most in derailing family's investment plans and reducing their Net Worth. Use services of Investment expert to find it out & take relevant covers.

6.      You are going to get old, save for that. We don't realise but many of us will die poor. Unless, we plan to avoid this situation. Take help of experts to find out your exact need and how much you need to save monthly & where to Invest. Plan for your Retirement.

7.     Emergency Fund - Rule of thumb - you should have enough savings available instantly totaling upto 6 months of your expenses. You have a Plan B for office work - emergency fund is plan B for your financial health.
Please seek investment advice from a professional. And Party!! But remember point 8 - Rebalance & Readjust your portfolio at regular intervals.

ASK any Investment related Query at & get answered by Experts.

Monday 30 January 2017


Home Loan is the sum of money borrowed from a bank or any financial institution to buy a house or property. It is also termed as mortgage loan. This amount plus the interest rate is repaid to the owner on a monthly basis in the form of EMI . The lenders of home loan in India provide a maximum of upto 80% of the agreement value of the house. While considering eligibility for Home Loan the banks do not include charges like stamp duty, registration charges etc. The valuation of loan done by the banker’s valuer is lower than the actual cost.
The maximum time period for the repayment of loan depends on the age of borrower. In India the Home Loans are classified as Fixed Rate and Floating Rate. As the name specifies the fixed rate is the  interest rate which does not change and hence not famous among the lenders. The Floating Rate changes according to the change in REPO rates or in bank’s base rate (now MCLR rate). The borrowers use fixed interest rate when they have a surity that this is the lowest interest rate.

In India there are many banks and housing companies like ICICI, SBI, HDFC etc which provide home loans. These institutions work according to RBI guidelines and national housing bank. When planning to buy a property if you have any queries regarding the amount of home loan to be paid every month or the number of EMI you will have to pay then you can take the help of EMI calculator. It helps you to calculate the amount of EMI to pay the loan to the lender every month. The home loan EMI to be paid will depend on various factors like loan amount, tenure for which loan is taken and interest rate charged by the bank. Thus, it is a useful calculator for calculating EMI payments. Before purchasing a house you should look for an appropriate lender because the cheapest interest rate cannot be the deciding factor. You have to choose from a plethora of offers on Home Loan.

Loan Eligibility.png

Checking your home loan eligibility with other banks is essential because every bank uses its own ways and means of calculating eligibility. Adding your spouse’s income increases your home loan eligibility. Below mentioned factors should be taken care of-

1.      Banks keep EMI to income ratio to 0.45 to 0.50 as income plays a crucial role.

2.      The longer the tenure of loan the better it is.

3.      Higher the interest rate, lower will be the home loan eligibility and vice-versa.

4.      In case of existing loans, the home loan eligibility comes down to around 0.05.

Analysis of the above factors will determine the home loan eligibility.

Loan from banks like ICICI, SBI, HDFC etc is the safest option for fulling your housing needs. The positive point is that the women are given more privileges than others. There are different forms of home loan available to purchase new home or plot, for construction purpose or renovation etc. but the borrower of loan decides the purpose for which he needs it. It is always better to first compare the home loan and then go for the final decision. As mentioned earlier that home loans are compared on the basis of various factors like EMI eligibility , interest rate and EMI calculator but various other factors cannot be ignored–

1.Mortgage Deed charge an important fee to be paid while taking home loan is 0.5% of the loan amount in some locations.

2.Legal fee which is charged to verify the legal status of property.

3. In addition to these charges there are others as well such as stamp duty, documentation charges and registration fee.

In nutshell, we can say that having a dream house is the most valuable possession of your life so it must be selected with full caution and after careful analysis . Thus, comparing the home loans of various banks is a great way to make a wise choice.

Monday 23 January 2017

How to invest your money effectively, within a time frame of 1 year to 5 years?

When you are investing the biggest question that comes to your mind is the time horizon for which you are planning to invest. Even your financial advisor can guide you about the investment products only after knowing the time frame for which you are looking to invest your money. Higher the period of your investment, higher the return you can expect from the investment and vice versa. Investment done for a higher period of time is exposed to different market situations which generally lead into a higher return in the last.
For ex- if you invested in a mutual fund at a NAV value of Rs 12 per unit and you invested Rs 50000 in the mutual fund. Now the number of units you get is 4166 units. At the end of 12 months after investing the NAV value is Rs 13 per unit, so the value of your investment will be Rs 54158, but if this investment was made for three years and the NAV after three years will be Rs 20 per unit, than the value of your investment will become Rs 833320.
Let us discuss some of the best Investment options available in the market
Liquid Funds
These are funds which are readily liquid able i.e. you can take out the money from these funds as and when required. Liquid Funds are funds which invest primarily in call money markets, treasury bills, certificate of deposits and commercial paper. Since they invest in instruments with high credit ratings, there is very low risk. However the return you get in the liquid funds is still higher as compared to saving bank interest rate.
Ultra Short Term Funds
When the time horizon for which you want to invest is a bit longer than you can go for ultra short term funds. Investing in ultra short term funds gives you a good return when the investment is made for a period between 3 months to 12 months. These funds are more volatile than liquid funds but can generate better returns. But these attract exit loads and are slightly volatile though not as much as Income Funds.
Income Funds
When your time horizon for your investment is more than 12 months and up to 3 years, you can consider investing in income funds. Income funds are not meant for low risk people but if you hold onto your investments in the income fund than chances are high that you will earn a better return as compared to liquid funds or ultra short term funds.
Fixed Maturity Plans (FMPs)
By investing in fixed maturity plans, you are kind of investing your money in a fixed deposit. FMP’s investment is further invested in fixed income instruments with good rating and are more tax efficient than FD due to indexation benefit.
Monthly Income Plans
Monthly income plan do not mean monthly income. But they have a potential to deliver higher returns as compared to any other investment option provided the investment made in these funds is kept for a period of at least three years. Monthly income plans are generally a safe bet for the investors, as the investment made in these funds are exposed to only 10% to 25% in equity.
Arbitrage Funds
Arbitrage funds are like equity funds but gives a return on par with liquid funds as a result there is minimum risk involved in arbitrage funds and the return you get is also higher as compared to other investment options. Arbitrage funds have given post tax returns in the range of 8% – 9%.
You can consider investing in arbitrage fund with dividend option and then switch the dividend into a balanced or large cap fund. This should give you tax free return within a  time frame of 5 years.

Home Loan Eligibility for Salaried Person

If you don’t have a ready-to-use calculator for Home Loan eligibility , the thumb rule you can use for calculating your eligibility is multiplying the net salary by 60. Is it really that simple? Yes…it is. Here net salary is the crucial factor. For Instance –

(a)   Your net salary is INR 50,000 per month and you need a home loan of around 30 lakhs.
(b)   If your gross salary is more than your net salary even then that would not be considered.
(c)   You do not have any other loan in your name.
(d)   Broadly, you are eligible to get 60 times your monthly net pay as loan i.e 30 lakhs.

When you come to know by a bank executive that you are eligible for a home loan your desires increase and you feel glad. All this looks wonderful till the time you don’t actually apply for it. But things take a sharp turn when you actually apply for loan. You have to submit salary slip and pay the loan processing fees. The banks re-evaluate your loan eligibility after this and you come to know that it is much lower than what was calculated earlier. The Question that spins in your mind is – what caused this change? Your salary slip reflects the same amount (50k) and you don’t have any other loan in your name. Then what and where is the loophole? It could be in the bank’s marketing strategy to attract the attention of customers or you have low credit score. Although you get a net pay of rupees 50k per month but it includes certain components which are excluded while calculating your loan eligibility. These components are LTA and medical allowances. You may have many such queries on Home Loans & related things. You would need an expert to answer this before you take the big leap.

Hence banks will deduct these components from your salary and your home loan eligibility is reduced by about 10%.
For Example –
                          Net salary – 50,000
                          LTA Amount -3,500
                          Medical Allowances – 1,250
                          New Net Pay – 45,250
New Eligibility = (45,250 into 60) = 27,15,000 This is less than 30 lakhs by 10%. As i.e.

If you thought you were eligible for 30 lakh then now you need to manage 2,85,000 on your own.
The above mentioned case was based on net salary calculation.

The other issue to consider is loan availability on gross salary?
The rule that banks follow in this regard is that your monthly EMI should not be more than 50% of your monthly income because lenders approve your loan after evaluating your loan repayment capacity. This may differ – they can have some deviations as well. There are some determinants which need to be focused while considering your home loan eligibility like tenure of loan, your age , CIBIL score , current interest rate and so on. In addition to all this good credit record is one such factor which improves your chances of getting loan approved. Thus, it is always appreciable to calculate your loan affordability by using eligibility calculator. 

A well structured financial plan involves appropriate allocation of salary between investment, expenses and loans. Home loan affordability needs to be meticulously focused as it emphasizes on the amount of down payment you can make, size of home loan you require, your current liabilities and monthly income. The total cost of your house and amount of down payment you can make will enable you to decide on how much loan amount you can get.

To summarize, we can say that to satisfy your home loan eligibility the amount of loan  as well as the amount of EMI you need to pay should be of prime concern . This  calculation can be best done with the help of EMI calculator.  A robust and successful financial plan should be structured before getting a loan. Thus, applying for a loan and getting it approved are two different issues and entirely different from what we assume. A salaried person should thoroughly analyse various factors before applying for loan for a beneficial outcome.